Posts by Riane Hubbart
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: What You Need to Know

I’m sure you’ve heard it by now, but the biggest, most exciting sale of the year is almost here! The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is by far the craziest part of my year as a blogger and stylist, yet the part I look forward to the most. In case you are not sure of what the sale is or how it works, I’m here to give you all the inside scoop of what you need to know! You do not want to miss this one. 

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A Look for Less

Want the designer look without the designer price tag? Don’t we all! Every now and then it may be necessary to splurge and treat yourself. However, most of the time, good deals are the way to go! Finding items that mirror designer pieces allow you to have the look, but for way less.

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Riane HubbartComment
3 Ways to Style a White Tee

The staple piece everyone has but gives no credit to…a simple white T-shirt. That’s right, it’s time to take those folded white tees out of the pajama drawer of your dresser and put them to use! There are countless ways you can wear a white tee while being 100% on trend. I find it necessary to own both a V-neck and a crew-neck, allowing you to increase your outfit options even more. Here are 3 of my favorite ways to style a basic white tee: be creative!

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Riane HubbartComment
Belts, Blues, and Basket Purses - Must have Items for Summer at Nordstrom!

Belts are back with a vengeance. If you don’t have one, you need one. Stat. Accessorizing these days requires a belt! We are not wearing belts the way the 80’s did, but more of a chic twist that accentuates the waist line. Anyone can wear a belt, no matter the age or size this on trend look does not discriminate! So hey Nordstrom, thanks for hooking a girl up with the best belt selection!

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Riane HubbartComment
What's In My Carry On?

It’s that time of year again… Europe here we come! As Case and I have been preparing for our much-needed vacation, I thought it would be helpful to share some essential items I pack in my carry-on. Let’s be real, usually when I pack my carry-on, I try to stuff my entire life in that bag. But I find that if I have these 10 things, I’ll (probably) survive just a short plane ride!

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Spring and Summer Finds at Nordstrom!

The word “trend” makes me nervous. I want to be ‘on trend’ but I don’t want to look ‘trendy’. Lol - I know right!? I pretty much want the best of both worlds when it comes to fashion and what I put in my wardrobe. This is why I constantly find myself coming back to Nordstrom time and time again to find the pieces that I end up wearing over and over. So much of my spring and summer looks have consisted of neutral tones and a pop of pastel. The blush and blue colors mixed with the ivory and creams compliment each other perfectly! 

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Riane HubbartComment
3 Easy Trends To Add To Your Summer Wardrobe

Looking forward to a new wardrobe season? One thing I love about the seasons changing is that I have an excuse to revamp my wardrobe and add some new trendy pieces. You may feel like trends are hard to keep up with these days, and you’re right! They are ever-changing, but that’s the exciting part. To keep it simple, I’m highlighting 3 summer 2019 trends for you to add to your shopping list. 

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Summer Beauty at Nordstrom

The warmer weather and sunshine makes me beyond excited to get outside and explore, but I’m also more aware than ever before of my need for SPF protection. I have wandered into cosmetic departments asking about the latest and greatest in make up that offers sun protection. Most of the time I feel like I have to sacrifice coverage or moisture in order to get the sun block coverage I need. But I want both! I always hit up Nordstrom when I am ready to invest in a new beauty product, so once again I’ve found exactly what I was looking for.

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Easy DIY Bedroom Updates

Riane and I love our life together. We love being married, raising our babies, running a business together and all that entails day in and day out. Running your own business means that at the end of the day it’s all on you. So…we work a lot. We wake up working and we go to bed working - which means we have to find unique ways to connect with each other each day. We bought a 1967 remodel a few years ago and we have so much fun with our DIY projects as we continue to make our own home updates each year. Since our bedroom often doubles as our office and place to connect each night, we decide this last year to invest a little more time on this room. The white, chic feel is the consistent theme that runs through our house and so we continued that theme as we updated our bedroom.

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Riane HubbartComment
Spring Shopping with Walmart

Seasonal changes and fashion updates come hand in hand! As our weather gets sunnier and warmer - the white jeans and wedges come out to play! I love this time of year when everyone is ready for something fresh and new in the wardrobe. I have always loved neutral tones and lots of whites when it comes to prepping my spring and summer closet. I have been studying the trends from different places and knew I needed a few pieces that were unique to me and pieces that I could wear over and over again without getting tired of them! I jumped in with Walmart last fall and discovered that they carry so many premium designers online. Walmart has given me a new place to shop for several different well known brands all at once! I was able to find exactly what I needed from Walmart in order to get a head start on my looks for spring! 

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Riane HubbartComment
Travel Boston - Part 2

We love to travel and we love to take our kids to see new places. There’s nothing better than making memories as a family and creating moments or opportunities for moments that our family is going to always remember. We try to remind ourselves on the reg that this are the times where we create the things we will laugh about when we are all old and sitting around the dinner table. These are the moments that our kids will tell their kids about. These are the moments that we’re never going to get back.

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Travel Boston

Each year we take our kids on a winter trip just before Christmas. We typically switch back and forth between a trip to Disney and a trip somewhere new every other year. That way we can still take advantage of the time they are young and love the Disney trips, but also making sure we help them see more of the world other than Texas and Anaheim… We love taking them new places, finding new adventures and making special family memories. This year we took a trip to Boston at the end of December - when flights are more affordable, hotel costs are lower and it’s really really really really cold! 

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Riane HubbartComment
Best of Brooklyn

Riane and I took a quick trip up to New York to spend a few days in Brooklyn. We typically take a trip with the kids each December and then a trip just the two of us for a few days in Jan. or Feb. This year when booking our trip to Boston with the kids, I found $69 flights on Southwest to NYC! I’ve been wanting to stay at a couple of places in Brooklyn, so we decided it was a great chance to get away for a few days before Riane’s spring season started and my coaching seasons kicked back up.

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Riane Hubbart Comment
Men's Holiday Gift Guide

Stello_Peps! It’s Case once again sharing some thoughts on the blog… So - here is a Men’s Holiday Gift Guide written from the man’s perspective once again so that you don’t have to try and guess what it is that a man might have on his holiday wish list. Shopping for Him can be really easy or it can be fairly challenging. Totally depends on your man and what it is that he likes or in some cases what he doesn’t like. I don’t claim to know what your guys would want for Christmas, but what I can do is share with you some things that I think are pretty cool and some great deals I’ve found…

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