40 Valentine’s Gifts for my 40th Birthday

Did I say 40?! I meant 25 (;

Yes, my 40th birthday is coming up on Valentine’s Day. I love that I get to share my big day with one of my favorite holidays. It gives me an even greater excuse to eat chocolate all day…ha! One wise friend used to tell me, “If I can’t eat it or wear it, I don’t want it!” Now that I’m getting more mature in my age, I can totally agree with that statement. Give me clothes and yummy treats and I’m set.

40 for my 40.JPG

So, in honor of my 40th, I’m sharing 40 Valentine’s gift items for The Comfort Lover, The Bath Lover, The Fashion Lover, The Travel Lover, and The Fitness Lover. I personally am a lover of each of these categories. Therefore, everything linked are items I currently use myself and/or items I would enjoy receiving as a gift! Hopefully your loved one will too.

Above gifts, one thing I am exceptionally looking forward to as we celebrate is spending quality time with my family. We never regret time away from work/busyness/the chaos of life to reset, make sure we are on the same page, laugh a lot, and make more sweet memories together. I can’t wait to see what the next 40 bring! 

The Comfort Lover:

Comfort Lover.png
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The Bath Lover:

Bath Lover.png
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The Fashion Lover:

Fashion Lover.png
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The Travel Lover:

Travel Lover.png
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The Fitness Lover:

Fitness Lover.png
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