5 reasons why I put my daughter on Social Media with me
You guys may have noticed that I have been implementing more photos and blog posts with Tanner these last few weeks. I wanted to take some time and give you all the reasons why we decided to include her into this crazy time with us!

1. Tanner is THE reason we started StelloStyle and the blog to begin with!
When my sweet girl was diagnosed with dyslexia we knew we would need to be implementing some major changes in our life to make sure she had exactly what she needed educationally moving forward. After much research and discussion we found the perfect fit for her at a private school that offered what she specifically needed! www.Stellostyle.com helps us do exactly that, anytime someone clicks through our website or links to shop it sends us a commission which pays for her educational therapy!
2. She loves being in front of the camera, and her daddy is taking all the pics! If she looks like a natural to you its because she is! She is simply hanging with me and talking to her daddy. When we would go on photo shoots she was always in the back seat asking to join in on the fun or continually photobombing me. I relented and it has been the most fun, allowing me more time and memories with her.
3. We wanted to teach her a sense of work ethic and allow her to earn money, and to save instead of just asking for things.
4. The blog is building her confidence! Having something she can look at and be proud of, and knowing that she is a big part of my job gives her a boost and I love it!
5. I am teaching her what is and isn't appropriate in fashion as a young woman. She loves clothes, big shock! Like, wonder where that came from?!!
I love getting personal and really getting to know others. I truly want each of you to feel connected with StelloStyle and all that is happening. Thank you for being so very supportive and amazing. Your comments and interaction mean more than you will ever know. When we took the leap and started blogging I wasn't sure where we would be, and now 2 years in I love all that we have learned. There are definitely days when I want to give up and just go back to having more me time, but then I catch a glimpse of my sweet daughter and I am just so very proud. She is the heart behind this for me!