My New Normal with Nordstrom

We have had so many new normals in our household these past few weeks. With all of the changes we have made in our family I have found myself in a place that I have not experienced since Tanner, (who is now 14 years old), was a baby. I am wearing stretchy pants and comfy clothes 24/7, I haven’t had make up on in weeks, my hair stays in permanent messy bun, I spend waaaaaaay more time in the kitchen, the laundry seems to never end, and yet I have learned to just finally chill. 

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Spending more time in certain spaces of my house and wardrobe had me taking inventory of what could use a few updates. For my kitchen, it was the dish towels! I reorganized the messy drawer and treated myself to a fresh new set from Nordstrom. Now is the absolute perfect time to hop on and shop for anything you are missing because the sales at Nordstrom are insane!! Having bright, fresh dish towels sure makes me a tad more excited about all the dishes I have been loading and unloading. I know you are all feeling me on this!

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I have also had more time on my hands, perks of staying at home, to de-clutter little areas that have been bothering me! The simple fact that I have re-worn my same casual clothes more than ever made it easier to let go of the items with holes and grab a few new cozy pieces. I love that I can go from kitchen needs to athleisure wear all with Nordstrom! Whether you like the tie dye trend or a monochromatic set, now more then ever casual is cool! And thank goodness because its not going to be easy going back to jeans! I love that I can shop any price point with Nordstrom, whether I feel like splurging for my hard clean-out work, or sticking to my budget, I can find just what I am looking for.

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My feet, however, may never let me change out of my Ugg slippers. There is nothing better! House shoes and candles are the definition of cozy to me. I can never have too many candles-ever. As I am finding ways to not stress over the things I can’t control, I will light candles daily all over the house. Case loves candles too, but having one that he enjoys as much as I do is an even bigger win! Before I checked out my cart at Nordstrom I stumbled on the new Boy Smells candles. Perfection! The packaging was totally on point, and the cedar smell reminded me of our favorite outdoor scents. 

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New normals for our family include so many sweet moments, daily meals together that are not rushed, long walks to get outside and get fresh air, game nights, movie dates, and lot of cozy clothes. I know these moments are a mix of bitter sweet emotions and we are trying to bottle the special time with our families that these unique days are bringing, and Nordstrom continues to help make the days more cozy.



Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post - all opinions are my own.

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