Springtime Refresh with The Salvation Army!!
Springtime is such an energizing season! The weather is finally starting to warm up, flowers are blooming, and it is the perfect time to declutter and reorganize so much of the crazy that has built up over the last several months. There is no better feeling than minimizing the wardrobe and purging the closet!
I have been a stylist for over 16 years and have cleaned out hundreds of wardrobes. I promise you - never once did I ever have someone say, “Well that wasn’t worth my time’, or “ I really regret doing that!” NO! The answer is always the same, “I feel so much better!”, “Why did I wait so long to do that?” and “I feel so refreshed and energized!”. The fact is we all tend to shove too much stuff into our closets and wardrobes in general and we hardly wear half of what we own. Too much in the closet becomes overwhelming and then we stick to the same items over and over again.

As I clean out my client’s closest, I remind them that what they don’t need or wear, someone else can! There are so many people in need and with amazing organizations like The Salvation Army, we have the ability to help others by simply cleaning out our closets! The best part? Proceeds from the sale of your unwanted, donated items go to directly impact your community!
I always suggest when you clean out your closet, don’t do it alone. Snag that honest girlfriend who will give it to you straight, and tell you when something maybe doesn't fit or isn't your best look anymore. Any item that you haven't worn in over a year, ask yourself why and then don’t overthink parting with it.
Start with a small section in your closet, grab a coffee or a glass of wine, turn the music on and get to work! I have my clients purge their wardrobes twice a year so that it becomes manageable and quick. Another tip: Always try on anything that you are unsure of the fit on. Jeans and dresses tend to pile up quickly in the back of the closet or disappear into drawers, and then you end up with the same 4 on rotation. Remember, we are visual - "Out of sight out of mind." This means two things: 1. You won’t wear things you can’t see or get to in the closet, and 2. You will not miss things once they're gone.
This is why reducing and renewing the wardrobe is so vital. As you feel like a weight has been lifted from letting go of things you didn’t need, and someone else is gaining a renewed hope through your donations. I have a been a huge supporter of The Salvation Army for a long time. When the opportunity came to partner with The Salvation Army on a topic that is such a vital part of what I do I jumped at it! We all need to refresh and reduce our wardrobes so that we can give back and impact other’s lives for the better!